we build web apps since 1997.
How can we help?

we will help you build, test, deploy, debug and refactor your web project.




EXPERIENCe you’re looking for

We have double-digit years of experience in software development for the web and embedded
devices. From small private companies to large worldwide media corporations with millions of
users in exposure, we can provide expertise in the latest frontend and full-stack technologies
and deliver agile test-driven development, code refactoring, application design, and architecture
solutions for your needs.

Over 20+ large-and-small scale Javascript-based web applications have been developed and supported for a number of companies in the Netherlands over the years.


FRONTEND skills that make you stand out

Our core expertise lies in the front-end development using the latest tech frameworks such as Javascript ES6, Typescript, HTML/CSS, ReactJS, Redux, Metrological, and much much more.

The giants such as Facebook, Airbnb, Netflix dominate the web using these technologies. So can you.


BACKEND skills that manage your data

We will build and fine-tune the backend of your systems using NodeJS, Express, and Socket.IO, fulfill your database needs with Postgres SQL or MongoDB and Mangoose or move your application to the leading edge of working with data using GraphQL and Apollo.

In the age of big data, you need speed and simplicity to satisfy the user’s needs. We can do it


LEADERSHIP that sky-rocket your project

Being SCRUM certified, we will facilitate the agile development of your project by way of which maximum efficiency can be extracted from your team. Years of technical leadership will ensure the design and delivery of E2E solutions for your systems and platforms connecting the development team, product managers, vendors, and country representatives. Let’s work as one.


what it all means for you

We believe we can deliver deep knowledge and extensive experience in building numerous
enterprise-scale web projects for your company. Our proficiency in application development, agile management, legacy refactoring, and problem-solving will drive your business to new heights.

We will be honored to contribute to your organization to the maximum of our abilities in the same way we have helped numerous businesses in the past to complete and launch their products. Please, contact us today using the form below.


Get in Contact with us now

Should you wish to request a curriculum vitae of our available consultant or schedule a call, please
drop us a message and we will be more than happy to fulfill your request.

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Would you like to get notified in advance when our resources are available to help you with your
project, please subscribe to our notification service and be the first to take advantage.

We are proud to have worked with:

New10ABN AMRO DigiBBrenntag

© 2021 Kroonware Consulting B.V.